Kick Scooters: The Perfect Holiday Gift Idea

Kick Scooters: The Perfect Holiday Gift Idea

Oct 25 , 2022

William Konaxis

Are you trying to come up with great holiday gift ideas before you run out of time? Our team at Wheelie Barn has a great idea for you: kick scooters. Many people remember having fun with kick scooters as kids. Sharing that joy with your own kids—or recapturing it as an adult—is what the holidays are all about. But that’s not all your kids will get out of riding a scooter.

Here are four reasons why you should get your kids kick scooters this holiday season.

They’re fun.

We know we said fun isn’t the only thing kids get out of scooters, but it is the main thing. There’s nothing quite like zooming around the neighborhood on a scooter so you can show it off to all your friends. And it’s a way more fun way to get around instead of just walking.

They get kids outside.

Speaking of having a fun way to get around, scooters get kids outside. If you live in an area where you are close enough to walk or ride a bike to school, sports practice, or the park, why not take a scooter? You won’t have to convince your kids to get outside and play when riding a scooter is an option.

They improve kids’ balance.

Kick scooters are powered by kicking off the ground, but you then have to balance to stay upright and steer. Learning to maintain balance is important for kids’ physical and mental development. Riding a scooter is a great way to practice those skills, especially for younger kids.

They build kids’ confidence.

Everyone can use a confidence boost. For kids, learning a new skill is a great way to boost their confidence, especially if it’s one they can show off to their friends. Learning to ride something like a scooter also gives kids a sense of independence, making them more likely to try new things and attempt to master them on their own.


kick scooters

Get kick scooters and more from Wheelie Barn!

There’s no need to struggle to come up with holiday gift ideas when you can get them from Wheelie Barn! We have kick scooters, electric and gas-powered toys, and more. You’ll be able to find something fun for everyone on your list when you shop with us.

Contact us at (800) 858-5739 or view our inventory online!