Electric Scooters: Good Idea or Great Idea?

Electric Scooters: Good Idea or Great Idea?

May 25 , 2022

William Konaxis

Gas-powered vehicles aren’t the only way to get around. For many reasons, people are turning to electric vehicles for both transportation and fun. At Wheelie Barn, our focus is very much on the fun side of this development. Especially now that the weather is warm and you want to spend as much time as you can outside, it’s time to think about electric scooters. We’ve all seen them around and thought “That looks like fun.” And, yes, they are fun!

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should be looking at electric scooters as a fun summer purchase.


They’re practical.

 Even though fun is the first thing we consider when it comes to electric scooters, we know it’s not the only thing. One of the best things about electric scooters is that they’re practical. If you need to run a few errands or scoot (no pun intended) around town and only cover a few miles, taking a scooter makes way more sense than taking your car. Depending on the model and size of the battery, an electric scooter can travel anywhere from 10 to 80 miles on a single charge. Your more economical models are going to be in the 10 to 20-mile range on a single charge. But that’s plenty far if you’re running a few errands or just want to go for a ride for fun.


They’re portable.

Many models are foldable or small enough to easily fit in the trunk of your car. If you live far enough outside of town that commuting on your scooter isn’t feasible but you don’t want to sit in traffic once you get into town, a scooter is a perfect compromise. You can drive or take public transportation for part of your journey and then hop on your scooter for the rest of your commute. Avoid the traffic and arrive in style!


They’re eco-friendly

Carbon footprints are on many of our minds these days. Using an electric scooter is a fun way to do your part for the planet. No gas means no CO2 emissions. It also means that you don’t have to allot extra money in your gas budget. Having and driving a scooter is supposed to be fun! You don’t want to get bogged down worrying about the expenses.


Electric Scooters and More at Wheelie Barn!

Whether you’re looking for a way to take some hassle out of your commute or you just want another fun toy to ride around on this summer, electric scooters from Wheelie Barn are the answer. Check out our selection online or contact our team. They can advise you on what scooter is best for you.